White Leeds Site/TNS Involved in Another Twitter Fiasco

If you’re an avid Twitter user then you already know who or what TNS is. Last Friday saw another Twitter uproar caused by TNS when self proclaimed ‘journalist’, Emanuele Giulianelli posted a tweet claiming that TNS was arrested for attempting to enter Massimo Cellino’s home.

Most people thought that TNS had actually hacked Ema’s Twitter account but we found out later that wasn’t true. He actually setup a fake journalist account and got in contact with Ema, which led to telling him the ‘breaking news’ about TNS trying to enter Cellino’s home; the Italian journo ran with it.

This isn’t the first time the guy with the Michael Jackson voice has made headlines, as most of you know he has had clashes with Ken Bates and Massimo Cellino on his infamous White Leeds Radio.

Here are his interviews:


A lot of people said they wouldn’t be surprised if TNS actually did try this and I’m the same. If you knew a man who photoshoped carrots into football club owners ears, it’d be hard not to believe.

I know one thing, Leeds United is the only club these kind of things happen around. You couldn’t explain it to a non-Leeds fan, as one twitter user describes it perfectly:
If I try & explain what causes an lufc fuss on Twitter I might as well be quoting nuclear physics.

All hail Toe Nail Soup.

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